Life is a joke! Just cant figure out why i'm not laughing though. Anyone who thought that the teen years were difficult, or growing out of them was hard- wait till u hit 22.
Lemme tell u what being 22 is. Being 22 means...
Realising and ACCEPTING that dreams dont come true
Not having the luxury of throwing a tantrum at ur parents
Not having a clue what the next four months hold for u, much less the next four years
Actually missing exams and studies
Not being old enough to run your life
Not being young enough to whine about it
When photos of guys arent the kind u drool over in magazines with friends, but are potential husbands
Understanding financial problems but not being able to contribute substantially towards solving them
When you're spending most of your day with your 1 year old nephew
Realsing that your being an engineer does not make a whit of a diifference to you in particlar or the world in general
Knowing that no matter how much you love to write, this blogspot is probably as far as ur gonna get
When a good novel does not fulfill u as it did before, and you want something more to make you complete, but u dare not admit it even to urself
O boy, that was depressing, but looking at the brighter side of it...
I still have 16 days left before i turn 22!!!
Nada Rasheed Quraishi
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