In the streets of Madinah
I found all that I had lost
In the streets of Madinah ...
I found my childhood
As I walked once again
To the holy mosque
In the streets of Madinah
I found my happiness
In the smiles of the vendors
Selling their wares
In the streets of Madinah
I found beloved faces
In all the memories
Scattered along the way
In the streets of Madinah
I found a reason to live
In the sound of the azaan
That fills every nook
In the streets of Madinah
I found all the goodness
And beauty in this world
It will always be safe
In the streets of Madinah
I found all that I had lost
And the only thing I had really lost
I found the footsteps of my Prophet
In the streets of Madinah
Very beautiful u seem to be on a spiritual high these days, ru in medina I dot know if there is all the goodness and beauty in the world there cause thats a subjective matter but definetly what I have lost can be found in the footsteps of my prophet(SAW).
Subhanallah !!! Its true, one can find almost everything for the replenishent of our souls .Been there myself a couple of times and each verse described u is exact !
I know that "anonymous" means "cud be anyone", but do i know you? As far as i know, only my family n friends read this blog and you seem familiar yet i cant place u. Just curious...
i read it again! lovely poem, i think i unconsciously copied the style of this poem in the poem i wrote last night. SubhanaAllah, the fact that all the goodness and beauty in this world lies in Madinah is not subjective or debatable, atleast not for anyone who has been there and felt a strong connection with ALLAH and His Messenger. May Allah give us all the chance to feel that connection, Ameen
Nada , I really want to get to know you - you write so well !!! Thos poem is great!!!
Hi..This is one of the best poems i have ever read!! MashaAllah!! May Allah Bless you!
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