Ramblings of a wanderer - Nada R. Quraishi

Ahoy there,
Just felt a need to chronicle my funny little thoughts and my poetry so here goes...

Lo and Behold
Stories Untold

Forgotten memories
Unwritten Histories

A hope, A dream
A World Unseen

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Six O' Clock…

Footsteps break the silence in the apartment
My heart stops for a second
Then speeds up to keep time with the jangle
Of keys turning in the lock

Is it you?

Oh I know it isn’t time for you to return
But “what if” whispers hope
My hope is impatient I know I know
But what if just what if

It is you…

But no, it is the sound of the neighbor
Who returns to his home
Humph! I wonder if he has someone inside
Who waits just as much

As I do…

I know it is foolish, I know you just went
But wicked evening!
When there are stairs climbed, keys turned
And doors opened

I miss you…

I wait for you to come home to me today
But most of all I wait
For the day you’ll come home unexpectedly
And the hope…
The footsteps…
The jangle…
The keys…

Will be you, you, you!