Wake up women...
Women just make me mad. What is wrong with us??? We have been around for thousands of years and we still haven’t figured it out. Have not evened the odds half as much as we should have.
What’s with all the accepting?? What about using our own head? And not assuming the position of weakness for once. Demanding fairness in the face of culture and traditions.
It always annoys me when friends say how “lucky” I am that my husband is reasonable, helps out and so on. I am not lucky - I have worked hard, and fought hard to instill some fairness into the marriage equation. I have refused to mutely accept pre-conceived notions of what my role as a wife or mother should be. Culture and traditions do not sway me in the least, the only ethic I abide by is the word of God. Not man - and that goes for the entire male species.
I am not saying you don't respect and love your father or husband as you are supposed to. I am not even against housewifely behavior (provided it is what you want). I am just asking why women assume this helpless pose and complain as if we have no say in the way our life, our home and our world is run?
To use one example - domestic abuse. I am not condoning it or being unsympathetic in any way. My heart goes out to any woman who is in a situation of non-resolvable abuse.
BUT when I watch tv shows, or read about domestic violence, this is what goes through my head… If, God forbid, I was married to a b@$!@% who hit me even once, I would just turn around and say “Do that one more time and I might just “accidentally” drop something heavy on your balls while you are sleeping”, “accidentally poison your tea”, “spill steaming hot water over you”, the threat options are endless. Just being strong, if not physically then at least mentally. And emotionally. Although there’s something to be said about learning jiu jitsu and flipping the b@$!@% on his ass!